Thursday, September 9, 2010

My trip to Anand, India & New Delhi India

I just loved this!
Crystal & Nayana 18 1/2 weeks pregnant
Computers at the Surrogate House
One of Dr. Patels staff went to locate this couple, because this guy is from Libera and is studying for his Masters degree in Anand.  He was thrilled to meet another person of color.  He meet his wife while in Anand, and they will be going back after he finishes his studies.

Ceremony at the Surrogate House

International Airport in New Delhi

Well I'm back home and I had a very interesting time in India. The BBC filmed Najla and I while we were in Anand and it seemed to go well, but we shall see when it is broadcast within the next 7 days. The BBC was very interested in our thoughts about regulation of surrogacy in India, and I told them that I thought it would just breed more corruption. After having several meetings in India with IVF doctors, I still think the same way, however I do feel that regulation is needed but who would really enforce it. The BBC reporter asked if I thought the surrogates were being exploited at all, and I said no, and that I'm so tired of that thinking because no one every says that American surrogates are being exploited.  Indian surrogates get compensated as well as American surrogates when you look at the economics of the situation.   I was very happy to visit several clinics in New Delhi, so that I can offer my clients more options as well as make them aware that India does have state of the art clinics and several doctor's that make sure that intended parents get the highest optimal choice for success.
While in Anand, I shared in a ceremoney with the surrogates as well as visited with surrogates of clients who asked for photo's and for fresh fruit for their surrogates.  I was luckly enough to see my surrogate (Nayana) and be there when she was sonogramed.  It was thrilling to see our babies move around, because it makes you feel so much more connected.   While in Anand 3 surrogates gave birth to twins, and they were all one boy and one girl.  I will be back in Anand in December for the birth of our twins.  We are serioulsy thinking about moving to New Delhi, or Bangalore, India for 3-4 months of the year, so that our children will have a global life. 
It was great to seeing all of our friends that we have made in India and to break bread togather once again.  I know that when we arrive in December not only will there be celebrating during wedding season, but there will be lots of celebration in Anand and New Delhi for our son Mark as well as the twins.