It has been a long time since I last posted. As many know I have been to India and back. I went with a client to Anand, and as luck would have it, they received a positive. Dr. Nayana and Dr. Hitesch Patel were wonderful to me as always. I was able to visit with a number of surrogates and report back to the intended parents about the their babies. It was an honor to be able to hold a surrogates hand as they were being sonogramed. While I was in Anand Paul and I checked out one of the two surrogates houses in Anand, and it was nice to see all of the pregnant surrogates as well as take photos. The clinic in Anand looks like a UN Summit is about to take place on any given day. There are people from all over the world, all with the same goal, of bringing back a baby. It was wonderful because I was able to have several people interpret for my surrogate who came to visit me, what was happening in each of our lives. Anand is starting to feel like my second home, with Uday and the rest of the gang at the clinic. It is always so nice to have a local take you out to eat, and make sure that what your eating is good, so thanks guys! While in Anand, a terroist was arrested for trying to recurit for the Taliban. That situation really had locals talking. I have decided to try and learn Hindi so that I will be able to speak a little bit to the surrogates on my own.
Our journey for a sibbling for Mark has started, and we shipped Colin's sperm to India a few days ago. I have been following the UPS tracking system, and as of this morning the container was in New Delhi. I'm hoping for a daughter (DO YOU HEAR THAT ....MISS UNIVERISE). We are using the same surrogate who's picture I have posted. The impant should happen by the end of the month if everything goes according to plan. I'm a lot more anxious than I thought, I would be. I think the reason for most of that is I'm afraid of twins, and what people will say. It was fine when I wanted twins with Mark, but I see how much work it is just with one. I had to promise Colin that if we recieve news that we have twins, that I would just accept that and move along. I realize that what I'm writing about is very personal, but I think that many in this community are afraid to share such private thoughts, and my feeling is that if it will help someone else than so be it.
For those who want to post, I will have Colin figure out why people are unable to post comments. It might have something to do with the fact that we had to rearrange the post because I got spammed. Next Friday I will be having a small procedure done, so I will post from the hospital, with the morphine drip. That should be fun!
Yay - I can comment!
Mark is so gorgeous. I can't believe how big he is now!
Congrats to the couple who received a positve. I'm so glad for you (and them) that it worked out!
oh crystal i'm glad we're able to comment again... anyway this post of yours is so interesting to me because this is a discussion i had today with a very close spiritual friend of mine. trying to figure out the whys and how come we keep losing the baby at the exact same point, the 15th day our conclusion was that maybe because i keep praying for a boy (i already have a girl) it blocked my baby which is a girl from coming into the universe, our universe. so once we got pass that epiphany my next worry is what if there are twins! how can we manage. i got scared, still am. so i had to have that conversation with myself, will i honestly accept and love a girl with all my heart and soul - yes. and if there are twins... the good Lord will make a way. so with this new found mind-set we're ready to try again as we have 4 little snowflakes left we've come too far to turn back now. please keep in touch, keep blogging, feel well. prayers peace and blessings
Wow - he is such a little boy now. Where did the baby go? Such a sweetie! Good luck with your sibling plans. Bring on a girl for Crystal!!
Hi Crystal, Thank you for your wonderful blog. You sure give hope to a lot of IP. I was wondering if you would still recommend dr. patel's clinic today. There are so many clinics available. Im still "shopping" for clinics but I gotta say their reply are very slow and they dont answer to all questions too...If it wasn't people like you, who share their positive experiences, I would have RUN for a long time.
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