Thursday, June 18, 2009


Najla and I awoke to an e-mail this morning from Dr. Patel, explaining that she did not like the look of the eggs of Najla's donor. Lucky for us Dr. Patel keeps extra egg donor's and surrogates ready for events such as these. After several telephone calls back and forth to Najla, then Najla to India, it looks like next week, the retrival will take place.

To my surprise we also have a new egg donor, and it appears to be the same egg donor that we had before. Najla and I are trying to schedule everything togather, because our plan is to travel to India togather with our families, and tour Southern India.


Phoenix said...

Woah, good on Dr Patel for looking out for you and having a back-up plan.

Baby Dreams said...

Yes, great thinking on Dr. Patel's of luck to both you and Najla.

Tigerlilycat said...

It's so exciting that it's all happening again Crystal. Best of luck with the next few weeks.

Lisa B

ps - love the holiday plans too!